Village Pres Sermons
Join us for worship in person Sundays at 9, 11 a.m. or 4 p.m. at our Mission Campus in Prairie Village or at 9:30 a.m. at our Antioch Campus in Overland Park. Worship with us live online at villagepres.org/online.
322 episodes
Transfigured - Rev. Chad Herring
Our lives are a collection of mountain-top experiences and moments in valleys. At the midpoint of his public ministry, Jesus has a literal mountain-top experience. When his disciples suggest that they stay on the mountain, Jesus leads them back...

I Believe in the Holy Ghost - Rev. Dr. Rodger Nishioka
In the early years of the church, Christians struggled with what to believe. Several controversies arose over whether Jesus Christ was truly the son of God and what his death and resurrection meant. Around 180 C.E., Christians developed an earl...

I Believe in Jesus Christ - Rev. Dr. Rodger Nishioka
In the early years of the church, Christians struggled with what to believe. Several controversies arose over whether Jesus Christ was truly the son of God and what his death and resurrection meant. Around 180 C.E., Christians developed an earl...

I Believe in God the Father Almighty - Rev. Dr. Rodger Nishioka
In the early years of the church, Christians struggled with what to believe. Several controversies arose over whether Jesus Christ was truly the son of God and what his death and resurrection meant. Around 180 C.E., Christians developed an earl...

By Sharing, All Are Fed - Rev. Anna Owens
Rev. Anna Owens discusses Jesus' "Sermon on the Plain" from the Gospel of Luke, which is very similar to his "Sermon on the Mount" from the Gospel of Matthew. Our scripture reading today is Luke 6:17-26.

Growing in Wisdom and Years: Jesus the Adolescent - Rev. Dr. Rodger Nishioka
In the four gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, we have many stories about the public ministry of Jesus. We know of his teaching and preaching and miracles. We know of his last supper, washing his disciples’ feet, and his arrest, torture ...

Growing in Wisdom and Years: Jesus the Boy - Rev. Dr. Rodger Nishioka
In the four gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, we have many stories about the public ministry of Jesus. We know of his teaching and preaching and miracles. We know of his last supper, washing his disciples’ feet, and his arrest, torture ...

Growing in Wisdom and Years: Jesus the Baby - Rev. Dr. Rodger Nishioka
In the four gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, we have many stories about the public ministry of Jesus. We know of his teaching and preaching and miracles. We know of his last supper, washing his disciples’ feet, and his arrest, torture ...

Of This Gospel I Have Become a Servant - Rev. Alice Whitson
"Of this gospel I have become a servant according to the gift of God’s grace that was given me by the working of his power." (Ephesians 3:7) "When it is time to know it, you will know it." That was a refrain Alice Whitson recalls her Greek prof...

Sitting Among the Teachers - Rev. Maggie Johnson Phillips
“After three days they found him in the temple, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions. And all who heard him were amazed at his understanding and his answers” (Luke 2:46-47). Today's scripture reading is Luke 2...

Waiting for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ - Rev. Dr. Rodger Nishioka
“But about that day and hour no one knows, neither the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.” —Matthew 24:36. The season of Advent is a time of anticipation and waiting. Advent comes from the Latin “adventus” which means “coming” ...

Full Service of Worship and Morning Stars Children's Musical
Today, Morning Stars Children's Music proudly presents our annual Christmas musical. “Arrest These Merry Gentlemen!” is a wild and crazy show telling the story of a band of unruly shepherds and angels. Are they disturbing the peace or simply sp...

Waiting for the Coming of the Holy Spirit - Rev. Dr. Rodger Nishioka
The season of Advent is a time of anticipation and waiting. Advent comes from the Latin “adventus” which means “coming” or “arrival.” In Advent, we wait for the birth of the Christ child. Yet theologians talk about three advents: the birth of J...

Waiting for the Birth of Jesus - Rev. Dr. Rodger Nishioka
The season of Advent is a time of anticipation and waiting. Advent comes from the Latin “adventus” which means “coming” or “arrival.” In Advent, we wait for the birth of the Christ child. Yet theologians talk about three advents: the birth of J...

Healing Through Gifts of Money - Rev. Dr. Rodger Nishioka
In the last chapter of the Revelation to John, the last book of the Bible, an angel shows John a vision of the water of life flowing from God’s throne. Straddling the river is the tree of life producing fruit for all creation and the leaves tha...

Healing Through Gifts of Talents - Rev. Dr. Rodger Nishioka
In the last chapter of the Revelation to John, the last book of the Bible, an angel shows John a vision of the water of life flowing from God’s throne. Straddling the river is the tree of life producing fruit for all creation and the leaves tha...

Healing Through Gifts of Time - Rev. Dr. Rodger Nishioka
In the last chapter of the Revelation to John, the last book of the Bible, an angel shows John a vision of the water of life flowing from God’s throne. Straddling the river is the tree of life producing fruit for all creation and the leaves tha...

Healing Through Gifts of Remembering - Rev. Dr. Rodger Nishioka
In the last chapter of the Revelation to John, the last book of the Bible, an angel shows John a vision of the water of life flowing from God’s throne. Straddling the river is the tree of life producing fruit for all creation and the leaves tha...

With Liberty and Justice for All - Rev. Dr. Rodger Nishioka
From our earliest days as a nation, our democracy has been described as the “American experiment.” Then and even now, the very notion that a disparate group of people could come together and elect representatives to govern themselves seems incr...

Indivisible - Rev. Dr. Rodger Nishioka
From our earliest days as a nation, our democracy has been described as the “American experiment.” Then and even now, the very notion that a disparate group of people could come together and elect representatives to govern themselves seems incr...

Under God - Rev. Dr. Rodger Nishioka
From our earliest days as a nation, our democracy has been described as the “American experiment.” Then and even now, the very notion that a disparate group of people could come together and elect representatives to govern themselves seems incr...

One Nation - Rev. Dr. Rodger Nishioka
From our earliest days as a nation, our democracy has been described as the “American experiment.” Then and even now, the very notion that a disparate group of people could come together and elect representatives to govern themselves seems incr...

They'll Know We Are Christians By Our Love - Rev. Dr. Rodger Nishioka
In Matthew’s gospel, the last charge of Jesus Christ to his disciples was to “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…” (Matthew 28:19). This has always been the task of the church—to share the good news of Jesus Christ with all peoples ...

Working Side by Side - Rev. Dr. Rodger Nishioka
In Matthew’s gospel, the last charge of Jesus Christ to his disciples was to “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…” (Matthew 28:19). This has always been the task of the church—to share the good news of Jesus Christ with all peoples ...

Walking Hand in Hand - Rev. Dr. Rodger Nishioka
In Matthew’s gospel, the last charge of Jesus Christ to his disciples was to “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…” (Matthew 28:19). This has always been the task of the church—to share the good news of Jesus Christ with all peoples ...